m is for martin

we’re taking time to remember the reverend doctor martin luther king junior.

martin circle time

martin coloring time

these coloring sheets are a favorite activity of some.  i heard a little friend say, “yeah!  this is like real school!”  hmmmm.

coloring martin

we’re bringing in photos of friends to add to a “friendship wall” for show and tell all week…we’ll leave the photos up for a while.

friendship wall

later this week we’ll make a class list of things we would say to dr. king if he came to our class.  i can’t wait.

One thought on “m is for martin

  1. I love teaching preschoolers about MLK. I’m usually a pretty silly teacher, but I get very earnest on the topic of “fairness.” There is nothing more rewarding than looking out at those serious faces, saying, “That’s not fair!”

    I rarely use coloring/work sheets, but when I do the kids always make some comment about it being like “real” school. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry . . .
