a is for apple


we made apples for our “apple store” by scrunching up paper bags and taping them up!


the good thing is that this store takes all forms of payment because these apples were pricey…anywhere from $5 to $14 a piece.

i love to work in regular “store conversation” and hear the preschoolers’ responses…
do you take credit cards?  um, yes.
how late will you stay open today?  um, thirty thirty.
is your manager here? um, maybe.
can i have a bag for this? um, sure. (smile and no bag given)

i also find myself instinctively avoiding too much eye contact with a new apple store worker. i can see the nervousness in some…they aren’t sure who they are acting as, they don’t know this information yet, these aren’t even real apples. so i avoid eye contact until we build up some store worker/customer rapport and pretend to be rummaging in my purse looking for my money.

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we pretended we didn’t have scissors again and tore paper for our red apple project.
this was a tricky thing to pretend since the scissors were right there!

disclaimer:  borderline uncreative…but strangely satisfying and comforting.

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then we did our apple pie project. we spontaneously changed the project so that instead of sprinkling the cinnamon on top of the wet paint, we mixed it in!

oooooooh, like real bakers mixing ingredients!

then we even added some sugar from the coffee cart.


let me tell you….our room smelled good!


a great thing we did to get the excess paint off brushes was walk over to our art roller and paint it up!

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preschoolers could bring apples for show and tell.  we sorted them just like apple farmer annie.


then we ate them during story time.

16 thoughts on “a is for apple

  1. Indeed it does! She spoke for 3 minutes about her favorite book (about farms) at show and tell…completely in Vietnamese! It was awesome. I love how she comes and talks to me completely expecting that I understand what she’s saying. I must fake it really well. I guess I’m doing something good though, since her friend (who also speaks only Vietnamese) will be joining our class in a week.

  2. i’ve only had that experience with spanish-speaking families. i know some spanish but sure made those brothers giggle at my mis-pronounciation and word choices.

    smiling and nodding can go a long way! : )

  3. You may be the funnest teacer EVER. I look at your blog and wish I could be like you, but I know I’m not. I’m too OCD and work in a school that is literally “old” school in how we do stuff. But I do LOVE your ideas and thank you for sharing them :) I look forward to following your school year. On a side note, have you ever had a non-English speaking student (her mom speaks some English…the rest of her family doesn’t.) It’s been a fun challenge, and I’ve learned to say goodmorning in Vietnamese. My little friend has learned “apple”, her new classmates names, and “bathroom”. Other than that she babbles away to me in her native tongue and I smile and nod. I love that she feels she can talk to me…I just wish I knew what she was saying!

  4. Don’t be too apologetic for the red paper on plate project–tearing is great for the fine motor skills that many need to build in our class! Happy Fall!

  5. I love this store idea. We are always playing store, this would be a fun way to put a guided twist on that. But my favorite part was the “thirty-thirty” answer. Ha! I love the way preschoolers play with big numbers with such confidence.

  6. Love the tape apples, creative and great fine motor development. Using them in an apple shop is a perfect extension activity too. We will definitely be doing this :-)

  7. Love the paper wads taped with red, green, and yellow tape for apples. Gonna add this to my apple theme week coming up soon. Thanks.
