c is for child centered classroom

to me a “child centered” classroom means allowing the children to take things to another level…

child centered

instead of just using one piece of paper to write her name, she wrote the names of her entire family…

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bringing chairs from the snack table over so they could make their tower higher…

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child centered

adding scissors to the magnet corner to complete the “mouse trap…”

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child centered

using family corner cups in the tub table…

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child centered

moving the “store shelf” to better serve mr matt breakfast…

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child centered

permitting messes to be made and left until clean up time…

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child centered

bringing a cat to school…and playing “find the cat…”

child centered

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child centered

dumping out all the legos and using the box for a game “two girls covered the box and left it covered until everyone guessed what was in it when really there was nothing in it…”

child centered

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we call it “work time”…we encourage the children to “go play”…we love to see busy minds and bodies…

child centered

6 thoughts on “c is for child centered classroom

  1. This is not my room but… I would assume that the adult is the one taking the pictures and is right there supervising the construction. I supervise preschool classrooms and I’ve seen teachers teach the children how to be safe with the materials in the room including chairs. Safety is always a top priority.

  2. just on problem… how is it safe to let children climb on chairs with out an adult present that is not responsible… I would never leave my child in that kind of enviroment…. I teach preschool and I don’t know how state rules would be ok with this

  3. Couldn’t see the photos :o( I’m sure the creative classroom was all that it should be! Maybe next time.
