a is for apple

“you mean we can move the paint with our hands?”20130915-213410.jpgthe first full week of preschool is complete. all the children have graced the room. i’ve been amazed at the calm and ease of our time together.

we will follow the alphabet through and last week we started with a. while there are detailed lesson plans in place, when the children enter the room, the lesson plans become the backdrop.

the focus is on feelings and choices.

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the backdrop this week was apples.
20130915-213331.jpgthere were the tiny thrifted baskets and bead “apples” for tiny finger work outs.

:: :: ::20130915-213538.jpgthere was applesauce for snack…but no spoons! only two sizes of straws.20130915-213151.jpg 20130915-213235.jpgthey also worked well for cheerio kabobs.20130915-213551.jpg
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20130915-213259.jpgafter we painted several table sized pieces of paper and let them dry, we cut them into teeny tiny pieces to add texture to our paper apples. 20130915-213249.jpgclick here for a live video of this project…we look a bit like a factory!
:: :: ::20130915-213135.jpgthere is a wire framed paper mâché tree we made during sunday school last year. 20130915-213122.jpgthis week it was called apple tree instead of fig tree and we painted the trunk. 20130915-213109.jpgit was a full body full experience week!

One thought on “a is for apple
